Sunday, November 15, 2009

Another win and now the big Riot..

We won our match this Friday against Lyngby(now 2-5) which were our 6th straight win against Danish teams and again the score was 3-0 in games.

We managed to bring our high level of serving which instantly put Lyngby's side-out under pressure. Our hitters came out with great numbers in the end, and Caley got away with the MVP for the match. She played a very solid and killed 2/3 of all the sets she got. But also Kristen played her best match yet in offence making no errors on 18 sets and killing half of them.

Our passers did we descent performance, but we struggled a bit a few times. The girls however, kept coming back giving Dorthe great time and many opportunities to make the set she wanted to.
We finaly played a match where we converted transition very well and that always kept us tied or more against a wellplaying Lyngby Team. Midway through each game we found a serving streak or two to give us the lead. Katherine and Caley both had some great runs in their serves, and also Juliane who tried a new serv was doing very well.


Coming weekend we are going on the road playing the league's number 1 Holte(now 7-0) who yet have to lose their first game. We played them in the 1st round in a match where we never found our own level, and Holte kept us away from involving our middles.

We hope to be the first team to break their winning streak and even though it will be a tough match, I feel we are better prepared to bring the type of volleyball we want to. We've had more time to find the "TEAM" on our team, and the girls are getting more comfortable on court.

The match will very much be decided on which team wins the serve/pass match-up, but even if we succeed in serving well, there will still be a lot of transition points to play for, and with the hard work we have put into defence since we played them last, we should put up a better fight for the win.

All in all I expect us to give them a fight for their money, and if we play well as a team opening the door for individuals to shine, I feel we have a bigger string of pointmakers than they do and that could give us the edge we need to win it. But is starts and ends with TEAM and we lacked that in the first match against them.


"Triumph starts with TRI and end on a big fat UMPH"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sålænge der blev spillet almindelig volley var Lyngby med, men da der blev trykket moderat på servepedalen faldt Lyngby - som ligesom så ofte før ikke havde en god dag i Michael Jensens terminologi - fra hinanden.

Nu bliver det så lidt mere besværligt mod Holte, hvor stort set alle DM-pålidelige spillere i hovedstadsområdet har forsamlet sig. Fortunas komparative fordele hedder Caley, Dorthe og Katherine; mens Holte snupper de resterende. Forsøger Holte sig med tentativt spil? Næppe - træneren kan bedst lide det driftssikre. Fortunas chance pt. ligger i om start-6'eren kan holde tilstrækkeligt længe.

Det skal nok blive muntert i Rude Skov på søndag.
