Thursday, February 5, 2009

Excitment in this next round, and when 3 became 2...

First of all, this writing will be in english because I am stuck with an American labtop, and it is missing some of the Danish letters.. :0)

A sad week for our team in Lyngby or a final one some might say. We lost a rather stupid match against Skovbakken, and now have no realistic shot of going to the finals.
7 rounds remaining, and lets take a look at the middle of the league:

4. Skovbakken 14 (with 13 games played)
5. Frederiksberg 14 (with 14 games played)
6. Lyngby 12 (with 14 games played)

Skovbakken is missing a match against DHG, so let's say they win that one, which will bring them to 16 points after 14 games.

Before the season I said 22 points would be enough to advance to the semifinals, and I think it just might.
Suppose top3 wins against bottom 5, there will be 8 points to gain for Lyngby, Skovbakken or Frederiksberg. 8 points will bring Lyngby to a total of 20 points, which I don't think will be enough. In other words, we have to find points against top3 AND win all games against bottom 5. Unrealistic is the word, and that is why we on our team, has agreed to play one game for that games sake. Which actually just might make us better - who knows!!

When 3 became 2...

Mikkel has withdrawn himself from our guessing competition, which pretty much seals the deal.
I think my biggest wonderment in this whole thing is - "when the f... did this competition become more then judt fun??"
I did this thing because it is nice to hear other peoples opinion on the coming weekends games, and now one of the most informative ones will stop... Sad for me and everyone who was following the league.

Either way, I will continuously write down my thoughts and guesses, and I will keep the score against William - BECAUSE HE IS THE GUY I WANT TO BEAT...:0)

Thoughts ond the coming round...

First the standings between mr. William and I.

William managed to scrape together 1[read: ONE] point in last round which brings him to a total of 5 points.
I managed to get the DHG game right and that brought me to a roundscore of 4 points. My total is 11 points.
--- "William.. I just raised the bar, come join me up here" ...

And now to the guesses:

Broendby vs. Fortuna
I am leaning towards a home victory because Fortuna just had a hard tournament, which is almost always hard to bounds back from right away, and because the homecourt is SO HORRIBLE for vissitors, that this match is a one way action.
Result: 3 - 1

Lyngby vs. Holte
Hehe... These points are safe and sure!! I am actually not doubting for one second that we will win tonights match. We will be wanting it more, and i believe we as a team has what it takes to challenge the leaders and newly crowned cup champions.
If our serves and blocks are not working, Holte will finish this match in 35 minutes 0 - 3, but if we can get our game going there will be hell to pay. The difference for us from now on is, we will be looking to grap those chances to win games, there is nothing more to lose!!
You might call us Lyngby Lions from now on... And rather bring 5 Lions, than 500 sheep...:0)
Result: 3 - 1

DHG vs. Fortuna
Looking to steal some points on William, I will guess this match to be a 4games match. Home team is getting sharper and sharper in serves and figthing for balls, so I am expecting them to win a game in this match.
Result: 1 - 3

Like I began this article with, we are at a point in Lyngby now, where there is really no more to lose this season, and we will try to use that in the way we play each and every game..

Good luck to everyone this coming weekend, except Holte tonight.. :0)

"I will never miss a sunset or a rainbow because I am looking down" ... Sara June Parker

Skovbakken vs. Broendby
I actually think Skovbakken played a pretty steady game against us this weekend, but that wont be enough against Broendby. Pia is back on track and the young players keep getting better and better. This will be a victory on the road for Broendby.
Result: 1 - 3

KSV vs. Frederiksberg
Well I think William will be guessing 0 - 3 on this one, so again I am taking my chance to get some points on him. There is no doubt though, that Frederiksberg will win this game.
Result: 1 - 3


Anonymous said...

Bring it on Bitch.

As for your quote:
"And rather bring 5 Lions, than 500 Cheep...:0) "

I guess the word you fail at is Sheep, but since you and your arguments are also Cheap i salute for you for making up a new word that describes you perfectly: Cheep.

Anyways lots of games, and lots of easy points for me to pick up.

Brøndby-Fortuna, I actually beleive in 3-1, but to give you at chance ill bet 3-0 because i can afford it.

Lyngby-Holte 0-3.
Lyngby will play well but their coach will mess it up with some Cheep calls.

Dhg-Fortuna 1-3.
Cuz benny aint got those ez pickings.

Skovbakken-Brøndby 0-3.
Ez pickings, and a bit of hope from my side.

Ksv-Frederiksberg. 0-3.
We are gonna blast through the last 7 opponents before we send Holte packing in the semis.

Btw your quotes suck, if you had been bright you had used a Fight club quote:
"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. ".

ps. Dont be supriced if your car has a flat tire when you leave for the game in the weekend.

/King Willy.

Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.

Anonymous said...

Mistake due to copy pasting.

Dhg-Fortuna 0-3.

Now get your ass to church kiddo.


Anonymous said...

Yo guys

Definition of cheep:
"A faint, shrill sound like that of a young bird".....

Og nu til tips-konkurrencen:
Måske er det bare mig der ikke synes at det er sjovt ;-)

Jeg vil dog stadig komme med mine kommentarer ind imellem, men det jeg synes var vigtigst var kommentarerne - ikke resultaterne. De seneste mange uger, har været med min et par gange hvor en eller flere af os ikke havde tiden/lysten til at lave et indlæg med kommentarer. Så har man i stedet brugt de andres indlæg og skrevet tips og kun tips.
Dertil kommer to forskellige scoreboards, hvilket for mig tæller som om at scoren er vigtigere end meningerne om kampene.

Thats why - didn't say it was the truth but is comes from the heart!!


Anonymous said...


Det kommer jo an på hvor meget man ligger i det.

En halvseriøs leg er fint, men når det nu er en flok trænere i rækken osv, så må det aldrig være noget der er ment alvorligt.

På den måde har Mini og Jeg måske haft det lettere fordi det netop kun kan være ekstrem uforpligtende :)


Anonymous said...


Kinda hard to find a come back when you miss spell something.. :0)but my typing mistake is corrected...

Guess I will have to figure out something on my way to the game.

Either way Mr. 70% earthwalker, you know true talent beats hard practise anytime, so maybe it is YOU with your 36 years of hard practise who should recognize the true talent in this young council member, who at the age of 22 achieved acceptance by the council, and earned a spot on the council - something that has not been done before!!! TALENT

"And if you for one second think that I will let you anywhere near my Swifty, you're insane JACK"

C ya on the flipside...


Anonymous said...

The young bird has spoken....

... and ones again a lovely tune...

Jeg er sgu nok bare lidt stresset, samt måske træt af at evolution betyder at det er svært at gå tilbage til tidligere tider uden. Skulle jeg have valgt den røde eller blå pille i sidste uge?

Held og lykke i aften Mini - jeg tror nu altså at din sang i aften bliver "I'm a looser baby..."


Anonymous said...

uden problemer (skulle der stå)


Anonymous said...

Hej Mini.

Du skriver:

"I think my biggest wonderment in this whole thing is - "when the f... did this competition become more then just fun??"

Det er da meget let at svare på: det gjorde den, da deltagerne opdagede, at konkurrencen ganske enkelt handler om, hvem der er bedst til at forudse styrkeforholdene i elitedivisionen.

Det kan vel aldrig KUN blive ”just fun”, men vil altid rumme et gran (men ikke mere) af alvor, fordi det bla. handler om indsigt i volleysporten.

Men man kan selvfølgelig vægte alvoren forskelligt, som det nu ses af Mikkels dybt alvorlige udmeldelse.

Jeg tror det var mig, der opfandt udtrykket ”de fire kloge mænd” – netop for at tage noget af det selvhøjtidelige ud af en konkurrence, som MEST bare er for sjov (men leg uden gode regler er egentlig ikke sjov).

Nu er vi kun tre kloge tippende mænd, for jeg fortsætter jo med at tippe begrundede resultater i Holtes Forum og deltager derfor indirekte i konkurrencen.



Anonymous said...

Jeg sagde jo at Fortuna var blevet skarpe af at være i Sverige.... men ingen ville høre.


Anonymous said...

Blander mig lige:)
Kan ikke lade være, men er det ikke et lidt farligt tilnavn "Lions"!!?? Hvordan var det lige det gik (Detroit) Lions i år?? :-D

Anonymous said...

Jeg hører bedre efter næste gang, Mikkel.

Modsat to meget engelskskrivende herrer havde jeg dog tippet Fortuna til at vinde to sæt, så helt havde jeg ikke overhørt, hvad du sagde.

Troede bare Brøndby ville være bedre end de var.



Anonymous said...

Ja, jeg må erkende at det ligner at Fortuna er bedre end brøndby.

Jeg har jo faktisk tipper Brøndby som en af mine finalefavoritter hele sæsonnen, men det kan godt være at det bud var ligesågodt som mine tips indtil videre :).

Hvis jeg skal tage en ting med i overvejelserne så burde det være at vi altid har haft ok chancer imod brøndby (pånær 2 sæt forleden), og vi har ikke været tæt på Fortuna så det siger selvfølgelig noget.
