Again my writing will be in English because I am typing it on an American labtop.
We have played 2 games since my last article, and unfortunately we've lost them both. First Holte owned up to being favorits and beat us 3-0. A game where we in short periods showed that we could play with the best, but over 3 sets Holte were far better.
The second one we lost this saturday in Broendby. A close match which - according to volleynet - was close because Broendby didn't play their best. The few people at the game were however, witnessing something different. It was probably one of the best played games this season. I have seen a lot of games and most of the times either one or the other of the teams have played way below the level expected, and made a lot of mistakes.
This game was different. Both teams served well and had very few mistakes. As a coach I would say that 90% of all points in this game was won by the team who gained the point, and not lost by the other team. A lot of long rallies, good blocks and hard hits.. those were the main ingredience in a close riot in Broendby this Saturday.
Broendby won the game at the end because they basicaly just had that bit more energy I think. We lost some momentum when Tine got injuried at 10-9 i 5th, but I wont say that it was determaning for the game. We played our chance and gave everything we had. The girls and I were sad for the loss, but very very pleased with our own performance, and we want to play more of those games this season... Even if we end up losing them all 3-2.
William has taken the lead..
In Williams and mine internal competition, William overtook the lead. The total score before the coming weekend is:
William 25 points
Mini 20 points
There are no excuses for me not being ahead, I just have to pick it up for the last 5 games. And hopefully Frederiksberg will lose a few games against the top3 which should bring me closer in the score.
My thoughts on the coming games...
Skovbakken vs. Frederiksberg
Skovbakken has lost the first 2 games against Frederiksberg, but in the spirit of my competition against William and because of the fact that Skovbakken here have a chance to seal the deal, I'm going to vote for a hometeam victory. Skovbakken are fantastic on their middle, a place where Frederiksberg hava had nothing since Mette O. has been injuried.
Result: 3 - 2
DHG vs. Holte
A game where Holte probably wont throw away their lead in the total standings, so I vote for a sure victory.
Result: 0 - 3
Lyngby vs. Fortuna
We plan to continue our current level of play and are more than willing to pick up a fight against the reigning champions. Fortuna although probably wont be interessted in letting go of their 2nd place, which is all building up to a hell of a match. I will vote for the margins to be on our side this time eventhough we will be missing Tine.
Result: 3 - 1
KSV vs. Brøndby
Nothing in question here. Broendby needs to win this one, and KSV has nothing to play for. On top of that Broendby is the better team.
Result: 0 - 3
Good luck to everyone this coming weekend...
In a few days players from around copenhagen will join together in Lyngby, and they will be launching the largest comeback any team has ever made.
TEAM!! That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We must be united in our common interests. Perhaps it is fate that Sunday is the 22nd of Febuary and we will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution, but from relegation. We're fighting for our right to stay an elitedivision team. To exist. And should we win the day, the 22nd of Febuary will no longer be known as a regular holiday but as the day when whole of Lyngby declared in one voice: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not relegate without a fight! We're going to stay up! We're going to survive. Sunday we celebrate our JUDGEMENT DAY!!!!!
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Efter denne dommedagsprædiken fra Lyngbys ypperstepræst er det måske meget passende at bringe det digt af den irske poet Dylan Thomas (1914-53), som han lader sig inspirere af:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Tillykke med den flotte kamp i lørdags, og god bedring til Tine Roe. Håber ikke hendes skade er langvarig?
Undskyld, Dylan Thomas er ikke en irsk, men en britisk-walisisk digter.
Hey Benny Big Blind.
Jeg tror den unge mand glemmer at mine hold altid er bedst i slutningen af sæsonnen :).
Mht kampen imod skovbakken på Lørdag er det sgu noget jeg ser frem til. Vi har slået dem sikkert to gange nu, men er på skideren fordi de slår brøndby+2 og Fortuna. Så jeg håber sgu at Skovbakken bare er skide gode på lørdag så vi kan forstå hvad f der sker.
Resultatmæssigt er denne weekend dog en ren walkover hvilket gør det ekstra imponerende at du har skudt ved siden af på 50% af dine bud.
Skovbakken vs. Frederiksberg 0-3.
Jeg må være den eneste der ikke har været vildt imponeret over Skovbakken, så jeg forventer enten at vinde 3-0 eller at blive positivt overrasket over skovbakkens niveau så det er en win/win.
DHG vs. Holte
No contest, Holte er pt danmarks bedste hold og de smider ikke noget her.
Result: 0 - 3
Lyngby vs. Fortuna
I en kamp ingen så blev resultatet indtelefoneret forkert så det lignede en tæt på kamp på infosport da lyngby mødte brøndby.
Jeg har en forventning om at Fortuna snart vil offentliggøre at Stine A/Lotte W og Sara holst Olesen vender tilbage i truppen. Med Elena ude og Saori i rygproblemer så tror jeg at det giver Fortuna en udvej til at melde sig ind i guldkampen.
Result: 0-3
KSV vs. Brøndby
Brøndby har behov for at vise de stadig er gode, og fordi ksv sætter dem under en lavere pres så gætter jeg på at Ksv får sæsonnens største øretæve (medmindre solen skinner)
Result: 0 - 3
Iøvrigt holder vi noget fødselsdagsfest for Maria lørdag aften, kom glad.
Mht. Tine, så ser det ikke vildt slemt ud. Men fordi hun spiller med ankelstøtter forhindrede det foden i at vride om på ydersiden. Det er desværre skabt et underligt vrid i mellemfoden tror jeg nok det hedder.. ;0) Ihvertfald forventes hun ikke klar til Fortuna og formentlig heller ikke Frederiksberg.
William drop det der med at jeres kamp er en win/win.. Taber I så er der sgu ikke meget win over det og resten af sæsonen.. :0p så pick it up...
Men for sæsonens skyld kunne det være lidt mere spændende at I vandt, så vi har spænding helt frem til sidste runde hvor vi møder Skovbakken..;0)
Selvfølgelig vil vi være ekstremt skuffede hvis vi tabte.
Min pointe er dog at vi pt kan stå i en situation hvor vi har slået vores to nærmest konkurrenter (lyngby og skovbakken) i alle 6 opgør, og alligevel misse semifinale pladsen.
Det ville være uendelig bittert, og hvis det skulle være situationen så ville jeg sgu hellere putte skylden på egne skuldre fordi vi så havde tabt imod skovbakken, end at tænke på 1 dhg kamp, og på at undres over hvordan Fortuna og Brøndby formåede at sende os ud.
Nej så hellere have tabt til skovbakken så vi kan bebrejde os selv.
Men anyways, jeg regner med en sejr og med at vi klarer skærene fordi Lyngby slår skovbakken i sidste runde + vi slår alle top3 holdene .
No biggie
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